November 17, 2012

Earthy Arrangement

I saw this beautiful picture on Pinterest (where else?) so I decided that I wanted to create this arrangement....How perfect for the holidays!

Well.... it isn't as fancy as the original picture but I am happy with the outcome. I tried using what I already had like this Ikea tray and pine cones. The reindeer I bought at Target few weeks ago. I had this brownish glass that I stuck tealight in and the two little candleholders. The tree and the candle holsters I got at Target as well.
I am so in love with these color combinations...White, brown, silver, brass and forest green!

It's funny how these little things can change your mood. I love looking at beautiful things and if there are candles involved then I am completely "In" 
Hoping to Inspire You to do the same...


  1. Ég kannast við fyrirmyndina af pinterest. Einstaklega falleg og notaleg stemning á þessum bakka. Mér finst þú alveg hafa náð sömu stemningunni og svo sannarlega ekkert síðri en fyrirmyndin, sama kósý, notalega og hlýlega stemningin. Svo fallegt og fansí hjá þér <3

  2. Já segi það sama, alveg eins stemmningsfult og fyrirmyndi, svo sætt
    Kveðja Sif


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