October 17, 2013

New Rug

I had to return something at Target this morning and I did....but then I wandered off... In my own world and this is what I found for ONLY $99. It has been my intention to get an area rug for the new room but here I am almost 5 years later and no rug...until today!

When I brought it in I grabbed my camera and took a few before photos

I put the rug down and cleaned all the crap underneath the couch and the size was perfect.
I put the coffee table back and took a step back to admire... 
 It all looked  kind of busy in there. I wasn't really intrigued so I decided to play Musical Chairs which is my favorite party game yay!

Results...Yes...I just started moving things around. Oh well needless to say we did a Chinese take out that night...cough cough

I switched out the existing pillows which helped fight the clutter-y feeling

Houses and Reindeers...My addiction

 The trees in the window are actually a Christmas decoration but hey who could tell? They mix with the Fall colors so perfectly...So earthy
 The Turkey Lurkey got a special seat underneath the coffee table...

So when I was done with that I continued (as always) Let me show you the rest. Nothing is new...just re-arranging

I moved the leather chair, grabbed some more reindeer's that were packed away safely in the basement and fired up the candles...

My Mom made me this beautiful Fall Quilt before she passed. This piece stands out for me because we collaborated on it. It is so nice to have something to hold on to when your loved ones pass on. It's a treasure. In the past I have used it as a tablecloth but I placed it over the leather chair and I love it there....Like a piece of Art. 

All angles of one room...

We spend a lot of time in there. I love this room because it looks Scandinavian with all the woodwork... 
 Happy Thursday Peeps


  1. Mikið áttu fallegt hús Brynja! Ég hef líka gaman að því að sjá íslensku hlutina heima hjá þér eins og Íslandspúðann og Hús&hibýli! :-)

  2. Mér finnst mottan æðisleg! Svo er ég kannski að springa úr abbó yfir fallega húsinu þínu, og þeirri staðreynd að þú varst í Target í morgun. Trén eru líka æðislega fallegt :)



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