June 6, 2013


I love the look of cupboards filled with bowls, plates, waterpitchers or linen. The look of things casually thrown together, different sizes and make but everything in perfect harmony.
I am so into the look of it that I have a board on Pinterest with nothing but cupboards, kinda crazy Yes...

I have a cupboard/cabinet that I use for "STUFF" in the basement. It's an old Ikea piece from way back and somehow I can't find myself getting rid of it.
It's very pretty and rather big. When I look at my pictures on Pinterest I think about painting it and moving it upstairs. I still havent done anything with it and it's still sitting there...

I really should motivate myself to move it up and putting it into a good use. It could be really awesome after slapping some Annie Sloan paint on it!
Have a great Thursday


  1. ah, svona skápar eru svoooo fallegir! Hlakka til að sjá þinn uppgerðan! (bíddu, áttu ekki annars einn sem þú ert búinn að mála, eða misminnir mig!?!)

  2. Svona opnir skápar eða með glerhurðum eru dásemd ein....vonandi finnurðu drifkraft í að taka þinn í gegn og sýna okkur svo útkomuna!! ;o)


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