March 14, 2013


If you had asked me few years ago if I liked glassware the answer would be Uhhh No!
I am not sure if hitting 40 has anything to do with this but lately I am starting to like glassware and silver things...I am not quite there with crystal but that might change...who knows!

As I was making dinner last week I got a phone call from Hubby saying he was held up in traffic and to go ahead and start eating without him...I decided to wait since we weren't that hungry but set the table just for fun...

It's fun to set up the table nice without a reason...I think the food even tastes better
Enjoy your day

1 comment:

  1. Fallegt bord, það er svo miklu skemmtilegra að borða þegar umgjörðin er falleg. Maturinn bragðast pottþétt betur :-)
    Kv. Vilborg


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