April 23, 2013

When I went to Iceland at Easter I was determent to buy a house...
Not a big one...just this perfect size zinc beauty.
I ventured to Reykjavik with an old girlfriend where we had lunch and then we walked up and down Laugarvegur in the rain. There were so many shops that pulled us in, I didn't buy much but enjoyed just looking and seeing what was new. At the top of Laugarvegur is my favorite store
Puko og Smart. The store is awesome and filled with all kinds of trinkets. That's where I found my house and I was pleasantly surprised with the price but I paid only $35 for it. So with that said I am craving more houses to add to my collection...It would be awesome to own one larger one

Since I was snapping in the first place I just kept on going so the following photos are just some extra that I am showing today of my apartment in Iceland!

Just a few little things that make me happy

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new house.....finally in zinc with the Icelandic house-bloggers ;) hohoho, póstur fullur af orðagríni!


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