August 6, 2012

Mindful Monday

Take time today to smell the roses, look around you and notice those little things that make you happy. When I woke up this morning at 6 am as my husband was getting ready to go to work, I felt the urge to get up instead of sleeping longer. I went outside with my coffee and enjoyed the cooler air than we have experienced in the past few days here in New England. The birds had already started their day and the nature was buzzing.  I sat down and closed my eyes and meditated for the first time in probably 2 years. When I opened my eyes again everything looked more colorful and brighter. The stuff that was piling up in my head when I woke up had taken a back seat for a bit. I was totally relaxed and in the moment. I think the key word here is "take time" we seldom take time to be still. Look around and appreciate what makes YOU happy. 
Today will be great because I gave myself a little time to nurture myself and be in the moment. Needless to mention that once I returned in the house 2 little heads were waiting for breakfast to be cooked, a hungry cat was looking at me very angry, and I had 2 messages waiting on my phone!

Happy Monday


  1. That is nice Bryn.. It is so true that we don't take time for ourselves! I always make time to take kids to practice, to accommodate hubby schedule, to cook, etc. but never had the time for me.. to go to the gym or anything. Thanks to the new member of our family, Buddy! our dog, I have to make time for him.
    Now every morning I enjoy a nice walk in the woods and at dust an nice walk around the neighbor. I can tell since I relax when I woke up and before to go to bed, I have been happier, sleep better and been much more productive at work.
    So if you are like me, that do things when someone need it, get a Dog! Because of him/her you take time for yourself; stop what you are doing and take a walk.

  2. to my very precious friend from Argentina thanks!
    I treasure you and you are right....get a D.O.G.


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