July 15, 2013

Summer Blog Party

Cheers to another year of Stina's blogparty!
Last year I linked up with Stina Saem and it was so much fun to take a peek at other people's yards or balcony areas...Here is my post from last year if you are curious: Blog Party 2012 (just click on the link)
This year I am showing you the front of my house...the area where I usually spend less time in, but I recently moved my old bench to the front and placed it under the Oak tree and I have been enjoying the afternoons in the shade watching the neighbors walk/run/bike by...So here you go...This is my contribution to another year of Stina's Summer Garden Party!

I found a cracked egg in one of the flowerbeds...always so much fun to study nature. I snuck out at dusk and took these...

Hope You Enjoyed Visiting My Front Oasis


  1. Fallegar myndir og kósí stemmning :)

  2. Takk fyrir! Flott hja ykkur lika!

  3. takk fyrir að taka þátt aftur, gaman að sjá garðinn þinn að framan og vá hvað hann er æðislegur :) algjör paradís

    kær kveðja og knús
    Stína Sæm

  4. Fallegt.....og gott veður *öfund* ;-) Gaman líka að geta haft luktir og kósý á kvöldin þegar fer að skyggja !



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